Remote address. Might be all 0's if we don't know it, or if this is N/A. (E.g. Basically everything except direct UDP connection.)
Basic cause of the connection termination or problem. See ESteamNetConnectionEnd for the values used
High level state of the connection
Handle to listen socket this was connected on, or k_HSteamListenSocket_Invalid if we initiated the connection
What relay are we using to communicate with the remote host? (0 if not applicable.)
What data center is the remote host in? (0 if we don't know.)
Who is on the other end? Depending on the connection type and phase of the connection, we might not know
Misc flags. Bitmask of k_nSteamNetworkConnectionInfoFlags_Xxxx
Arbitrary user data set by the local application code
Debug description. This includes the internal connection ID, connection type (and peer information), and any name given to the connection by the app. This string is used in various internal logging messages.
Human-readable, but non-localized explanation for connection termination or problem. This is intended for debugging / diagnostic purposes only, not to display to users. It might have some details specific to the issue.
Internal stuff, room to change API easily
Describe the state of a connection.