
Creates a connection and begins talking to a "server" over UDP at the given IPv4 or IPv6 address. The remote host must be listening with a matching call to CreateListenSocketIP on the specified port.

A SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t callback will be triggered when we start connecting, and then another one on either timeout or successful connection.

If the server does not have any identity configured, then their network address will be the only identity in use. Or, the network host may provide a platform-specific identity with or without a valid certificate to authenticate that identity. (These details will be contained in the SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t.) It's up to your application to decide whether to allow the connection.

By default, all connections will get basic encryption sufficient to prevent casual eavesdropping. But note that without certificates (or a shared secret distributed through some other out-of-band mechanism), you don't have any way of knowing who is actually on the other end, and thus are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to setting the options "immediately" after creation.

class ISteamNetworkingSockets
