
Like CreateListenSocketIP, but clients will connect using ConnectP2P.

nLocalVirtualPort specifies how clients can connect to this socket using ConnectP2P. It's very common for applications to only have one listening socket; in that case, use zero. If you need to open multiple listen sockets and have clients be able to connect to one or the other, then nLocalVirtualPort should be a small integer (<1000) unique to each listen socket you create.

If you use this, you probably want to call ISteamNetworkingUtils::InitRelayNetworkAccess() when your app initializes.

If you are listening on a dedicated servers in known data center, then you can listen using this function instead of CreateHostedDedicatedServerListenSocket, to allow clients to connect without a ticket. Any user that owns the app and is signed into Steam will be able to attempt to connect to your server. Also, a connection attempt may require the client to be connected to Steam, which is one more moving part that may fail. When tickets are used, then once a ticket is obtained, a client can connect to your server even if they got disconnected from Steam or Steam is offline.

If you need to set any initial config options, pass them here. See SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t for more about why this is preferable to setting the options "immediately" after creation.

class ISteamNetworkingSockets
